自1992年聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(COP1) 約定將大氣中溫室氣體的濃度 穩定在防止氣候系統受到危險的人為干擾水準之上,啟動了國際間對地球環境保護的濫觴,1997年京都議定書(COP3)於2005 年2 月 16日正式生效,約定控制人為排放之溫室氣體數量,且必須在2008 至2012年間將溫室氣體排放量降至比1990年平均水準再減少5.2%,至2015年巴黎協定 (COP21) 於2021年開始實施各締約方協議控制在與前工業時代相比最多攝氏2度內的範圍, 且應努力追求前述升溫幅度標準續減至攝氏1.5度內。而在聯合國1992年倡議迄今已經歷了數十次氣候劇烈的變遷,全球暖化已經是近年來的常態。
我國因應國際間保護地球趨勢,於2023年2月15日完成了修定氣候變遷因應法,在中央政府成立專責單位並跨部會如金管會、經濟部、環境部等單位共同推動ESG「Environment、Social、Governance」政策與國際接軌,目前全體上市櫃公司須於2025年8月31日前提交ESG報告,另2024年10月24日行政院 國家氣候變遷對策委員會 第2次委員會議決議加大氣候行動來提升產業國際競爭力,加速接軌國際「國家自定貢獻」(Nationally Determined Contributions, NDC)的步伐,至此,2025年將是ESG政策全面落實展開的一年。
The establishment of global environmental protection began in 1992 when
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP1) aimed to
stabilize greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere to prevent dangerous impacts
on the climate. In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol (COP3) was adopted and officially
came into effect on February 16, 2005, requiring countries to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions by 5.2% below 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012. Later, the Paris
Agreement (COP21) started in 2021, asking countries to keep global temperature
rise below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels, while striving to limit it to
1.5°C. Over the years, climate change has become more severe, and global
warming is now a common challenge.
response to international trends, Taiwan revised the Climate Change Response
Act on February 15, 2023. The central government set up a dedicated unit and
worked with agencies like the Financial Supervisory Commission, the Ministry of
Economic Affairs, and the Ministry of Environment to promote ESG
(Environmental, Social, and Governance) policies in line with global standards.
All publicly listed companies in Taiwan must submit ESG reports by August 31,
2025. Additionally, during the National Climate Change Adaptation Committee
meeting on October 24, 2024, the government decided to strengthen climate
actions, enhance industrial competitiveness, and speed up alignment with
international "Nationally Determined Contributions" (NDC). By 2025,
ESG policies will be fully implemented.
This center was established to support the government's ESG policies with the following goals:
1. Developing ESG-related
2. Providing consultation and
collaboration opportunities for industry, government, and academia.
3. Taking part in government
ESG policy projects.
4. Studying international ESG
5. Offering ESG education and
training programs.
The center brings together a team of professional scholars and experts to serve these goals, enhancing domestic industries' ability to plan and draft ESG reports, popularizing knowledge on ESG policies, strengthening the government's implementation objectives, and aligning with the latest international standards.
執行長 楊渝閔
n 台灣管理學會 ESG永續管理師
n 行政院環境保護署甲級廢水處理專責人員
n 內政部國土署工地主任執照
n 公共工程委員會品管工程師執照
n 企業ESG管理、永續報告書撰寫
n 經濟部iPAS溫室氣體產品碳足跡盤查
n 小水利綠能工程設計施工
n 建築工程設計施工
n 污水下水道工程系統工程設計、監造及專案管理
n BOT促參專案總顧問、履約管理、工程法律
n Primavera
n 成本控制、預算管理
CEO: Yu-Min Yang
Professional Certifications:
Sustainability Manager, Taiwan Management Institute
n Grade A
Wastewater Treatment Specialist, Environmental Protection Administration,
Executive Yuan
n Construction
Site Manager License, National Land Surveying and Mapping Center, Ministry of
the Interior
n Quality
Control Engineer License, Public Construction Commission
management for enterprises and sustainability report writing
n Greenhouse
gas product carbon footprint audits (iPAS, Ministry of Economic Affairs)
n SDGs,
GRI, SASB, TCFD, SORI frameworks
n Design
and construction of small hydropower and green energy projects
n Design
and construction of building projects
n Wastewater
and sewer system engineering design, supervision, and project management
project consulting, contract management, and engineering law
n Primavera
P6 scheduling
n Cost
control and budget management
副執行長 沈元中
n 中華民國註冊環境工程技師
n ISO14064:2006溫室氣體盤查及查證人員
n ISO14067:2013溫室氣體產品碳足跡盤查及查證人員
n 行政院環境保護署甲級廢水處理專責人員
n 行政院環境保護署甲級空氣污染防制專責人員
n 公共工程委員會品管工程師
n 開業建築師及執業技師政府採購法講習
n 林同棪工程顧問股份有限公司環境水資源部經理
n 瑞詮環保顧問股份有限公司副理
n 吉美科技股份有限公司專案經理
n 溫室氣體產品碳足跡盤查
n 工業廢水處理廠工程設計、監造及專案管理
n 水環境改善、營造工程設計及專案管理
n 海水淡化廠興建工程
n 環境監測
n 民生污水處理廠、抽水站工程設計、監造及專案管理
n 污水下水道工程系統工程設計、監造及專案管理
n 環境影響評估
n 土壤及地下水污染調查
Deputy CEO:Yuan-Chung Shen
n Master’s
in Environmental Engineering, National Chung Hsing University
Professional Certifications:
n Registered
Environmental Engineer, Republic of China
14064:2006 Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Verification Specialist
14067:2013 Product Carbon Footprint Inventory and Verification Specialist
n Grade A
Wastewater Treatment Specialist, Environmental Protection Administration,
Executive Yuan
n Grade A
Air Pollution Control Specialist, Environmental Protection Administration,
Executive Yuan
n Quality
Control Engineer License, Public Construction Commission
n Certified
Government Procurement Training for Architects and Engineers
n Manager,
Environmental and Water Resources Department, T.Y. Lin International Engineering
Consulting Co., Ltd.
n Deputy
Manager, Rui Quan Environmental Consultant Co., Ltd.
n Project
Manager, Chi
Mei International Technology (CMIT) Co., Ltd.
n Greenhouse
gas product carbon footprint audits
n Design,
supervision, and project management of industrial wastewater treatment plants
n Water
environment improvement and construction project design and management
n Construction
of desalination plants
n Environmental
n Design,
supervision, and project management of municipal wastewater treatment plants
and pumping stations
n Wastewater
and sewer system engineering
n Environmental
impact assessment
n Soil
and groundwater pollution investigation
n 中華民國註冊水利工程技師
n 橙霖工程技術有限公司 總經理
n 永力顧問股份有限公司 水利技師
n 台北捷運松山線CG590C區段標工程 水利專業顧問
n 亞新工程顧問股份有限公司
n 小水力綠能發電規劃設計
n 綠營建透水保水計畫
n 區域排水治理規劃及工程設計
n 污水、雨水下水道系統規劃設計
n 自來水管線工程規劃設計
n 水土保持工程規劃設計、水文水理分析、水理模式應用、出流管制計畫、流出抑制排水計畫
Consultant: Han-Ke Chen
n Master’s
in Civil Engineering, National Chung Hsing University
n Bachelor’s
in Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Professional Certifications:
n Registered
Hydraulic Engineer, Republic of China
n General
Manager, Cheng Lin Engineering Technology Ltd.
n Hydraulic
Engineer, Yung-Li Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.
n Hydraulic
Specialist Consultant, Taipei Metro Songshan Line CG590C Project
n Environmental
Engineer, MAA Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.
n Design
and planning of small hydropower green energy projects
n Permeable
and water-retention green construction planning
n Regional
drainage management and engineering design
n Wastewater
and stormwater drainage system planning and design
n Water
pipeline system planning and design
n Soil
and water conservation engineering, hydrology and hydraulic analysis, hydraulic
modeling applications, discharge control, and runoff drainage planning