

本中心相關研究方向包括智慧營建之發展策略與方向營建工程法律探討、教育訓練制度與規範之建立、既有建築物專業診斷鑑定技術與專利之發展、規劃、設計體系之整合、營建產業職業安全衛生、房屋驗屋點交等相關研究之推動。 再者,以卓越教育與研究,協助台灣營建產業,面對營建產業智慧化過程中的困難與挑戰並建立專業研究團隊,提供有需求者相關的專業諮詢、技術開發以及工程鑑定等服務;同時接受政府單位委託辦理本中心相關業務之研究以及推廣教育亦配合營建產業智慧化之進程,推動相關的制度以及規範;最終透過國際間之交流與合作,促進國內外營建產業智慧化之學術交流與產業升級。

Developing smart construction to match the industrial tendency making the society prosper is the ultimate goal for the Research Center of Smart Construction. The center develops research papers, patents, training curriculum, criteria, and provides services regarding applications for computational intelligence, occupational safety and health, construction accreditation, house transfer inspection, and universal design. Facing challenges from promoting intelligence to the industries gives great opportunities to establish the professional team to conduct collaborations with both domestic and international sectors. This benefits practitioners in international academic exchanges and industrial upgrades.

